iSlash API Data And Description [2024 Updates]

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Chat History Report



System ID



Channel Name

WhatsApp, Messenger, Instagram, WeChat

Contact Name

Customer Display Name


Contact Number

Customer Phone Number

Can be the ID of Channels if no phone number is provided


Chatroom Assigned Agents'



Message Direction



Message Status



Message Content



Message Media Reference


Message At

The Related Message Timestamp

Format: 2024-06-08 10:01:53

Sent At

For Chatbot Auto Message


Delivered At

For Chatbot Auto Message


Read At

Agent Read Message Timestamp


Read By

Read By Agents


Template Message

Message Type of WhatsApp Message Templates


Auto Message

Message Sent by Chatbot


Engagement Report


Staff Name

Agent's Name


Staff Email

Agent's Email



Report Date

It can be multiple, depends on the report range

Total - Inbound - Outbound - Engagement - Engagement Rate

Inbound: Not counting total message. Eg: Customer send 2 messages at 9.01 and 9.12 > count 1 message Outbound: Agent reply to at least one customer message > count 1 message

Engagement: The count if the pair inbound and outbound occur daily. Engagement Rate: The rate at which the pair of inbound and outbound occurrences happens.


Total (Unique Chat) - Inbound - Outbound - Engagement - Engagement Rate

Inbound: Total touch agent by phone number. Outbound: Total number of tickets handled under a phone number.

Engagement: The count if the pair of inbound and outbound occurrences happen within a specified date range. Engagement Rate: The rate at which the pair of inbound and outbound occurrences happens.

Engagement: In a given date range, if a customer interacts multiple times with the agent in the chatroom, count it as one engagement. An "Engagement" is defined as: The customer contacting and interacting with the agent, and the agent responding back to the customer.

Account Report


Total Handle Customer

Total number of customers who have responded to messages.

Total Assigned To

The count of assignments between agents

Agent A: Assign Chat to Agent B and Agent C Result: Agent A (2)

Total Assigned Case

The number of users assigned, excluding those assigned by system

Not included in the number uploaded by excel import. Agent A/User > Assign to Agent B Agent C/User > Assign to Agent B Result: Agent B (2)

Total Close Case

Number of Close Cases

A chatroom can have multiple cases. 0900 Case Open > Chat Message > 1000 Case Closed & 1300 Case Open > Chat Message > 1600 Case Closed Result: 2 Close Case

Average Response Time

Reply Message + Average Time of Assigned To Agent (In Ticket Open Status)

Chat 1: 0900 [Customer] "Hi" 0910 [CS] "How may I assist you today?"

Chat 2:

0900 [Customer] "Hi, I would like to request a refund"

0905 [CS] - Assign to After-Sales Service Time Calculation: (10min + 5min) /2 **Calculate in Seconds

Average Handle Time

Average Response Time (In Ticket Open Status)


[(0910-0900) + {0912-0911)] /2 ---------------------------------------


[(0912-0900) + (0912-0911)] /2

**Calculate in Seconds

Average Close Time

Calculate the average time from opening to closing for a case.

0900 Case Open > Chat Message > 1000 Case Closed & 1300 Case Open > Chat Message > 1600 Case Closed


[(1000-0900) + (1600-1300)] /2

**Calculate in Seconds

Last updated