Message Template Undeliverable: Reasons and Solutions [2025 Updates]
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When a WhatsApp Message Template is undelivered ⚠️, it means the message fails to reach its intended recipient, leading to gaps in communication, whether it’s an authentication code, an important update, or a promotional message.
Unable to deliver message reasons can include:
If the recipient’s phone number isn’t registered on WhatsApp, the message won’t be delivered.
Solution: Verify the recipient’s phone number is correct and registered with WhatsApp. If they aren’t on WhatsApp, try reaching out via SMS or email to encourage them to register on the platform.
If the recipient has not accepted WhatsApp’s updated Terms of Service or Privacy Policy, messages will not be delivered.
Solution: Using a non-WhatsApp communication method, ask the WhatsApp user to:
Confirm that they can send a message to your WhatsApp business phone number.
Confirm they’ve accepted the latest Terms of Service by going to Settings > Help or Settings > Application Information, which will prompt them to accept the terms if they haven’t already done so.
If the recipient is using an outdated version of WhatsApp, they won’t receive messages. The minimum required versions are:
Android: or later
iOS: or later
SMBA: or later
SMBI: or later
KaiOS: 2.2130.10 or later
Web: 2.2132.6 or later
Solution: Ask the recipient to update their WhatsApp.
WhatsApp currently restricts the sending of authentication templates to users with the +91 (India) country code.
Solution: Use alternative methods like SMS or email-based authentication, for Indian users until this restriction is lifted.
(v) If you do receive this error code (131026) for On-Premises API, suspect it is due to the limit, avoid immediately resending the template message and instead retry at increasing time intervals.
Check if the message template is approved and in the correct language.
This can occur if the message is not delivered to maintain a healthy ecosystem engagement. WhatsApp limits the frequency of marketing template messages sent to individual users.
Solution: Don’t retry sending the message immediately if you receive this error. Instead, retry in increasing time increments until the message is delivered, as the limit may apply for varying periods of time. For more detailed information, refer to WhatsApp’s Per-User Marketing Template Message Limits.
There was an error related to your payment method.
Solution: Ensure your billing and payment methods are correctly set up to avoid transaction issues.
Solution: See Message for supported message types before trying again with a supported message type.
Template has been paused too many times due to low quality and is now permanently disabled.
Solution: Create a new template with different content.
If you want to know more about error messages, click here.